What Is Bing Chilling?


Author: Lorena
Published: 24 Feb 2022

Industrial Water Chilers

Industrial water chillers are used in a variety of applications where chilled water or liquid are being moved through process equipment. Water chillers are used in a lot of different applications, including injection mold, tool and die cutting, food and beverage, chemicals, lasers, machine tool, semi-conductors and more. There are many benefits to using a chiller.

A chiller is used to maintain temperature and pressure in your industrial process. The highest quality product can be ensured by eliminating temperature and pressure variables. A single-pass-through system is not the best way to cool the building.

The recirculation reduces the cost of water consumption which can be expensive and unfriendly. The two types of condensers used in the chillers are air-cooled and water-cooled. An air-cooled condenser uses ambient air to cool and condense the hot refrigerant gas back down to a liquid.

It can be located inside the chiller or remotely located outside, but it rejects the heat from the air. Water from a cooling tower cools and condenses the refrigerant in a water-cooled condenser. Small, portable and large central chillers are available for smaller applications or for larger applications that need cooling for entire processes.

Industrial Childers

An industrial chiller is a system that cools machinery, industrial spaces, and process fluids by removing heat from the system and transferring it somewhere else. Industrial chillers are used in a number of industrial processes such as injection mold, metal plating, and oilfield production. The process begins with a low-pressure refrigerant.

The heat inside the evaporator causes it to change into a gas. The compressor has a compressor that increases its pressure. The process begins with liquid in an evaporator.

The generator provides a concentrated absorbent such as Ammonia or Lithium bromide. The heat is being absorbed by the cooling water while the solution absorbs the coolant. The solution of coolant and absorbent is heated in the generator through a heat exchanger.

The solution is sent out for cooling after the coolant is out. The absorbent is recycled. Special types of chillers use anti-freeze called propylene glycol.

They are used in the production of alcohol and brewery chilling systems. Industrial chillers are used extensively in food production and processing operations which require a high degree of precision in temperature control. Wineries use winery chillers to control the temperature of wine.

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Sharon, chill is usually reported in hours. You can get an approximate chill hours for your area by using online or local ag extension charts.

Early Season Flower Management for Strawberry Growth

The change of seasons give strawberries enough chill hours to grow outside. Commercial growers sometimes grow berries outside where they accumulate chill hours and are then stored with supplemental chill. Other growers grow strawberries.

Fruit is forced by the heat and light. The plants must be broken into smaller pieces before the strawberries can be forced. In lieu of enough chill hours, early season flower management can be used to control plant vigor.

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