What Is Calculation Schema In Sap Mm?

Access Sequence for Pricing Conditions
Pricing conditions are required for calculation of prices in various documents. There are many different components in a price, such as freight, gross price, net price, taxes, discounts, surcharges, and so on. The calculation of prices in purchase orders, quotations, contracts, and other documents is a requirement of the pricing conditions and calculation schemas provided by the SAP ERP.
A calculation is a structure in the software that combines a number of different pricing conditions into a single document. You can include different pricing conditions in the calculation schemes. When you attach a calculation to a vendor, the calculation will be pulled to the document when it is created with the vendor.
The system will use the pricing conditions in the calculation to determine the price. Pricing conditions can have price scales which can be mapped to the dependency of price on the quantity. For 100 quantity purchased there is a discount of $2 per piece, for 101-200 it is $3 and so on.
Every vendor has two different calculation schemas created. One for local and one foreign purchases. Local purchasing has less pricing conditions than foreign purchasing, but the foreign buying has more conditions attached.
The access sequence is used to help the system find pricing conditions that match a condition type. You can specify which fields of purchasing documents will be used for searching. For example, a vendor.
Time Dependent Conditions for Contract and Information Record
Time dependent conditions are always true. The validity period is between two and four years. You can use more than one price for the same condition record with different validity period, so that the system will change it automatically.
You can use either time dependent or time independent for Schedule Agreement and Request For Quotation, but you need to always use time independent conditions for Contract and Information record. You just need to set up the condition type, access sequence, condition table and calculation schema for time dependent settings. The time dependent condition does not require a Schema group.
The vendor master record and its use to assign groups
The vendor master record is used to assign groups to purchase organizations. They are used to map the pricing determination process.
RC00 has no access sequence assigned
RC00 has no access sequence assigned because it does not have a validity period of its own. It is always valid for the period of the price in the standard system.
If the existing process will work on the new system, there are many details to take care of, such as how to handle something that the existing company does not do, or if the new system will work on a different system. There are several reasons why you should use TAXBRA, the most important of which is that it is more robust, easy to handle and meet taxes requirements, designed to meet the MP135, ISS and WHT cumulative. The support to the TAXBRJ will be discontinued sooner or later.

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