What Is Cn Xii?


Author: Richelle
Published: 15 Feb 2022

The hypoglossum

The hypoglossal nucleus is a collection of motor neuron bodies. It can be seen lying on the floor of the fourth ventricle. The hypoglossal nucleus sends efferents through the medulla to the pre-olivary sulcus. The inferior olive is the only nucleus to emerge before it.

Protruding tongue to test hypoglosses

To test the function of the hypoglossal nerve, a physician should ask their patient to protrude their tongue. The tongue should be palpated to check the muscles and sensation.

Cranial nerve palsy: a simple treatment

If damage is suspected, other movements such asking the patient to push their tongue against their cheek and feeling for the pressure on the opposite side of the cheek may be used. Cranial nerve palsy is caused by damage to the hypoglossal nerve. Possible causes include head and neck cancer. If the symptoms are accompanied by pain, it is possible that the internal carotid arteries are being cut.

The Cranial Nerve

The cranial nerve is a motor nerve. The trochlear nerve is from the midbrain and enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure, which supplies one extraocular muscle. The cranial nerve contains both special and general fibers.

The fibers come from the brainstem and form the trigeminal ganglion. The cranial nerve 7 is a multi-purpose nerve. The brainstem has two divisions, a larger primary root and a smaller intermediate nerve.

There is a special nerve called the Cranial Nerve 8. The vestibular nerve and the cochlear nerve are part of it. The hearing component helps with hearing and the balance and motion component helps with balance.

The vestibulocochlear nerve and the internal acoustic meatus are connected at the fundus. Cranial nerve 9 is a multi- nerve. The brainstem leaves the skull through the foramen.

It allows for a variety of sensations in the oral cavity. The brainstem and skull are home to the Cranial Nerve 10. The only one to leave the head and neck region is the longest cranial nerve.

Glosopharyngeal neuralgia are painful

Attacks of glossopharyngeal neuralgia are short and fleeting, but they cause pain similar to trigeminal neuralgia. Attacks may be triggered by a particular action. The pain is felt in the base of the tongue, pharynx, tonsillar areas, and one ear.

The tongue has the last cranial and hypoglosses

The tongue has the last cranial nerve and the hypoglossal nerve. It only has one catch, it gets hitch-hiking C1 nerve root fibers before reaching the tongue.

The Trochlear Nerve

The trochlear nerve is the smallest of the 12 CNs and is the only nerve that leaves the brainstem. The trochlear nerve is from the nucleus of the brain. It is the only one to leave from the midbrain.

The nerve goes through the fissure. The smallest branch is it. The mandibular nerve is located between the ophthalmic nerve.

The foramen rotundum is a medium-sized nerve. The largest of the three trigeminal branches is the mandibular nerve. The nerve is made of fibers with motor, sensory, and parasympathetic fibers.

The medulla oblongata is behind the olivary bodies. The vagus nerve is the main nerve that connects the body to the outside and is responsible for a lot of the body's organs. The longest course of all the CNs is the vagus nerve.

Parasympathetic fibers extend from the medulla to the lung and the heart. The vagus nerve is necessary for blood pressure regulation. The vagus branches around the sedan to enter the abdomen at the hiatus.

The accessory nerve is a neuronal structure

The accessory nerve is a cranial nerve. It is believed to be the eleventh of twelve pairs of cranial nerves, or simply cranial nerve XI, which was once thought to originate in the brain. The sternocleidomastoid muscle tilts and rotates the head, while the trapezius muscle shrugs the shoulder.

The 12th pair of cranial nerves

The 12th pair of cranial nerves. The hypoglossal nerve is the result of the cells that make the motor nucleus located in the brain stem. The nerve cells have appendages in between the pyramid and olive.

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