What Is Discord Idle?


Author: Roslyn
Published: 18 Jun 2022

Invisible on the App Store

It will look like you are offline when you select invisible on the app. You can still use the app. You can send private messages to other members and chat with other people.

The word "Ike" is a synonym for the term in discord

It has the same role in discord as the word "Ike" has in other places. There are four different statuses on the internet. A user will be online when they are on the platform.

What does idle mean on the platform?

You might want to discuss what does idle mean on the platform. Your active status changes based on whether you are online or not. You can get a notification for your inactiveness like Online, invisible or Do not disturb status.

COPPA and Discord

COPPA states that if a child has their parents' permission, they can get data collected and use Discord. Many people under 13 want to chat. Some children want to chat with their friends during the Pandemic.

Setting the user status in Discord

The user status in Discord has seven settings that can be changed quickly. The status option in other chat and VoIP programs inspired it. The status can be changed by clicking on your profile picture in the left drawer.

If there was no mouse movement or typing for a set amount of time, the Idle status was set automatically. Unless you set the Idle status manually, you get put back into online status when there's mouse movement again. On your profile, you can see a yellow moon-shaped indicator.

When streaming on an account integrated with your Discord account, the Streaming status can be set. It does the same thing as Do Not Disturb and displays a purple status indicator on your profile. You can add an additional one before the text.

If you have Nitro, you can add custom emojis. There is a limit on the number of words. There is a chance to make the message expire after a certain time.

The Tags for the Game

What are the tags for the game? A unique number indicator is beside your usernames. It ranged from #0000 to #9999.

A Minecraft Bot with Snow and the Nether Dimension

When you achieve a certain number of rebirths, you switch to one of many dimensions, including the Snow and the Nether Dimension. Every 25th rebirth, you get a prestiges token, which can be spent at the prestiges shop for permanent upgrades. It is not as popular as the other gaming bots, but it is very popular amongst other Minecraft bots and has a fan-built FANDOM wiki.

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