What Is Discord From My Little Pony?


Author: Albert
Published: 31 Jul 2022

Grogar as the final villain of SU(2)

The main reason why the writers decided to have Grogar be the final villain of the series was because they wanted to have a personal connection to the main characters.

The Return of Harmony Part 1: A Tale with a Stranger

The opening scene of The Return of Harmony Part 1 features a statue in the garden of the Canterlot. Cheerilee takes her students on a tour of the garden and shows them the draconequus statue. The statue of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is starting to crack after the Crusaders bicker over what it is supposed to represent.

In To Where and Back Again - Part 1, Discord and his friends team up to save their friends when they are captured by changelings. In Part 2, Queen Chrysalis' throne causes Discord's magic to be disabled in the Changeling Kingdom, forcing him to navigate the castle without a magic card. In The Break Up Break Down, Discord doesn't want to play love and romance, he wants to play the game of Ogres and Oubliettes with Spike and Big Mac.

When Big Mac is sad that Sugar Belle wants to break up with him, Discord tries to cheer him up, eventually giving him the idea of breaking up with Sugar Belle first. Big Mac and Sugar Belle can reconcile their differences in the end, thanks to the help of Discord. The Guardians of Harmony toy line has a figurine of Discord.

The origins of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"

The song "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" has been a hit on TikTok over the past month, but some users are questioning if those who are participating in dance challenges or jamming to the song are aware of its origins. People dance to "Discord" on TikTok and use it in videos that aren't related to "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." Others have expressed surprise that the song was fan-made and based on the television show, posting videos about how they thought it was about the popular chat platform.

The omnipotent trickster Q in Star Trek:The Next Generation

The omnipotent trickster Q was played by De Lancie in Star Trek: The Next Generation. The Q character was in mind when the creation of Discord was done, according to the supervising director of the game. The interview was posted to the forums by member Headless Horse.

Discord and Spike

Love and romance are not something that Discord wants to play with Spike and Big Mac. When Big Mac is sad that Sugar Belle wants to break up with him, Discord tries to cheer him up, eventually giving him the idea of breaking up with Sugar Belle first. Big Mac and Sugar Belle can reconcile their differences in the end, thanks to the help of Discord.

The three villains work together to steal the bell. He was tricked back to "Grogar", thinking they couldn't get it. Grogar is happy that the three worked together.

The Mane Six meets Sweet Apple Acres

There are statues of a tall slender fellow with a head of a pony and a body made of many different animals in the world famous Canterlot Sculpture Garden, where Cheerilee and the kids are visiting. Cheerilee asks the class what that means, and the Crusaders respond with a variety of answers. The rest of the Mane Six will meet up at Sweet Apple Acres, where cornfields are turning into popcorn, apples are growing to mammoth sizes, and rabbits are growing deer legs. The girls calm the candy storm through team work, but Spike burped up an emergency letter from Princess Celestia.

The human and rabbit in a show room

The show staff often play fast and loose with the measurement of objects seen in Equestria. You can't change the size of a musical instrument. If the cello was smaller than the standard cello, it would produce a different sound.

The human is shown with a rabbit. If you compare it to a scene of a pony and a rabbit, you can conclude that ponies are less tall than teenagers. The cow's hip is roughly the same height as its front hoof, and the back is the same height.

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