What Is Face Dysmorphia?


Author: Roslyn
Published: 29 Oct 2021

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is anxiety disorder that causes a person to have a distorted view of how they look. They spend a lot of time thinking about their appearance. BDD is a specific variant of facial Dysmorphia, where sufferers fixates on a perceived flaw on their face or neck. They might think that a barely visible scar is a major flaw that everyone is looking at.

Cleft lip and cleft palate: A common cause of facial problems

Cleft lip and cleft palate are the most common conditions that affect kids facial features. If there are problems with the baby's mouth during the second month of its life, it could be a baby with a hole in the roof the mouth and a gap in the top lip. Some people with abnormal features or parents of kids with facial problems choose to have their features altered to make them fall into the normal range.

Family Therapy for Teens with Body DySmorphic Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder can start as early as 12 or 13 years old. BDD may get worse without treatment. According to the International OCD Foundation, one in 50 Americans suffers from BDD.

Family therapy can help teens with mental health issues. Teens who are involved in the healing process have a higher chance of making a full recovery from BDD. They can show the world their true face.

The Implications of Body Dysmorphia

If you suspect someone in your life has body dysmorphia, you need to take it seriously. The second thing is that they are not trying to be difficult, they believe in their physical flaws and they are real. The third is that the professional help is available.

It's going to be fine. Body dysmorphia is not usually targeted at the entire body, sufferers focus one part of their body that is not perfect. The most common areas for dysmorphics to be concerned about are the skin, hair, body weight, and features on the face.

Body dysmorphia is a long-term disorder of focused anxiety, where the attention is paid to the perceived flaw and the person cannot be made to look at it in a rational way. The dysmorphic viewpoint is distorted because of the pattern of anxiety that reinforces the idea that nobody else is telling the truth about the body part. The ramifications of body dysmorphia are only the beginning.

Body dysmorphia is anxiety disorder that takes over the internal life of a sufferers, making them particularly isolated intimate relationships, as they can't be reassured of their own attractiveness. It's called "Disruption of functioning" and it means that it makes itself a priority and makes difficulties for everything else. A body dysmorphic's time, attention, and money are all tied to their flaw, and other demands on those things will always be treated as second-best.

The Effect of Dysmorphia Screening on the Body

The International OCD Foundation says that 2.9% of the general population suffers from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Many people suffer in silence, never divulging their condition, so the real number is likely much higher. Some sufferers experience intense shame and emotional dread that can interfere with their ability to function.

High-functioning sufferers can cope with different levels of distress and preoccupation when looking at their own likeness. The Selfie Dysmorphia screen is flattering while the Zoom Dysmorphia screen is unforgiving. The result is the same: a desire to improve the physical standard.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Physical Approach to Self-Affectation

While most people are not bothered by physical flaws, those who suffer from body dysmorphic disorder spend hours a day obsessing over their flaws and sometimes take drastic measures to hide their flaws from others. Body Dysmorphic Disorder can lead to serious consequences if left unaddressed, including suicidal thoughts and attempts, increased anxiety and depression, and eating disorders. Body dysmorphic disorder can cause a lot of problems in the quality of life.

The cause of body dysmorphia

No one has figured out the cause of body dysmorphia. It can start in the teen years and continue into adulthood without treatment. Other factors that may contribute to body dysmorphia include a personality type that is not normal, a traumatic life experience, family history with body dysmorphia, and low levels of brain chemicals.

A Mental Health Professional's Advice

It is a serious mental health disorder that should be diagnosed by a mental health professional. If you suspect that you have body dysmorphic disorder, you should make an appointment with a qualified doctor. Anne-Kathrin Walter is a co-founder of HiSensitives.

Highly sensitive people and empaths are the target audience for HiSensitives. HiSensitives wants to change the way highly sensitive people and empaths view their trait. Anne-Kathrin and her partner Riny want to make the world a better place for people with sensitive skin.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Challenge for Diagnoses

The stigma and the lack of knowledge about body dysmorphic disorder makes it difficult to be diagnosed. People who develop the condition are embarrassed when they tell their doctors about it. Patients seeking plastic surgery for a perceived physical defect is a red flag for professionals.

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