What Is Food Justice And Food Sovereignty?


Author: Lisa
Published: 16 May 2022

Food Insufficiency in the Indigenous Population

One out of four indigenous people experience food insufficiency compared to one out of 9 Americans. Quality healthcare is not accessible to 30% of Native Americans. Native Americans have the highest rate of diabetes related deaths.

Food sovereignty in the UK

Food sovereignty allows communities to make their own decisions about how food is produced and consumed. It could create a food system that is more sustainable and less profit driven. People are fighting for food sovereignty.

The La Via Campesina is a movement that brings together more than 200 million small and medium-scale farmers, landless people, women farmers, indigenous peoples, migrants and agricultural workers from 70 countries. In every town in the UK there are community projects that you can get involved with. Search for community gardens, food cooperative, anti-supermarket campaigns and community meals.

Food sovereignty: The Anthropocene

Food sovereignty is a concept that can be defined as the right of people to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through sustainable methods and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. It has a political and conceptual roots in the struggles of peasant and Indigenous farmers in Central America. Food sovereignty and indigenous sovereignty politics are related.

The Anthropocene will pose questions about what life is worth and what people owe each other. It can either amplify existing inequality or set in motion a different logic of power. It will either be a good thing or a bad thing.

Food Security and Supremacy

Food security and food sovereignty are different things. Food sovereignty emphasizes the production, distribution and consumption of food in ways that are socially and economically sustainable.

Land Capital for the Future: A Community Farming Perspective

The communities are rising up to reclaimed traditional and cultural farming knowledge, rebuild local food systems, and assert their rights to land capital in order to farm and feed their communities.

Food Security

Food security is related to many other ideals like food justice, food sovereignty, and food equity. Food security is important, but concepts such as food justice and food sovereignty have a bigger impact on the social, economic, and cultural aspects of these. Food security is important, but not the whole of food justice.

Actionable Plans in the fight against injustice

When care is taken in crafting a definition, it becomes important to offer actionable plans in the fight against injustice. Community, inclusiveness, access, cultural appropriateness, poverty and health outcomes are some of the definitions.

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The movement of food sovereignty

The movement of food sovereignty is growing from the bottom up, from farmers, fishers, indigenous peoples and landless workers most impacted by global hunger and poverty. Food sovereignty goes beyond ensuring that people have enough food to eat. It says that people must regain their power in the food system by rebuilding relationships with the land food providers. The World Food Summit in 1996 was the first time food sovereignty was framed by the international peasant movement La Via Campesina.

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