What Is Gmail Mute?

Delete, Sleak and Rejoin
When you archive an email, it's not deleted from your inbox. It is not visible from the Inbox and Labels because it is in a separate location. You can un archive those emails at any time.
If you silence an email thread, it disappears from your inbox. There is no dedicated section for it. The All Mails label is where the muted emails are kept.
You still receive notifications even though your replies are no longer important. You can change the conversation to be silent. You will not receive any other email from them if you block them.
In such situations, mute is an appropriate option. It is an extreme step to block. You need to look for them manually since there is no dedicated section for them.
To find it, use the search in the Gmail. You will find all your emails here. When you snooze an email, it will reappear later.
Uninstalling Conversations from Gmail
If you uninstall a conversation from Gmail, you won't see any more messages related to it in your inbox. You can still see new messages in the conversation even after you mute it, as long as you keep your email in your account. It is a good way to hide personal communications in the office and to dismiss conversations from colleagues on specific projects.
Messages within conversations are not marked as read, but are permanently archived. To find conversations that have been muted, type "is:muted" into the search field. You could type "from:" to find a muted thread or search for the subject.
The unread messages will be displayed in bold. You can unmute a conversation after it has been muted by clicking the "Undo" link. To unmute a conversation after this, you need to find it first.
Click the "X" to see the label. Choose " More" from the action buttons and then "Unmute" from the drop-down menu. New messages will be sent to you in the usual way.
Turning off all potential messages from the Messages app on Android phones
You can turn off all potential messages from the Messages app on an Android phone. The three-dot icon in the upper right of the app is where you can turn on the Enable spam protection switch. If you receive a message that is suspected of being junk, you will be notified by your phone.
Go to the person's message that is not being heard
Go to the person's message that is not being heard. There are 3 dots in the upper right corner. Click on that and you will see that it says unmute conversation.
Seeing emails at certain times of the day
Some emails don't need to be seen at certain times of the day. You might not want to see personal emails during work hours. There is a feature that can hide certain emails and prevent distraction, which is a good thing because Gmail will notify you of all emails that hit your inbox.
Chat Status in Gmail on the Web
When you set a chat status in Gmail, your status will be shown in the Gmail and Status screens of the people you are in contact with. You can set different icons for your chat account in Gmail, and you can also set different statuses. You can change the status of the chat in Gmail on the web by opening the website and tapping on the status indicator at the top of the search bar. Select the status you want others to see when the top-down menu appears.

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