What Is Hulu Handmaid's Tale About?


Author: Lorena
Published: 8 Apr 2022

The Handmaids

The leadership of Gilead is in shock. New arrivals in Canada are adjusting to their new surroundings. June worried about disruptions to her plan, but tragedy struck the entire household.

The X-ray Excitation of the Universe

The show is a form of escapism for most viewers, and it gives insight into a terrifying world that seems exaggerated to Western viewers. The show's plot is based on real-life events.

Sons of Jacob: A Novell about the Birth and Death Of Gilead

The "Sons of Jacob" used theonomic ideology to launch a revolution after a staged attack that killed the President of the United States and most of Congress. The United States Constitution is suspended, newspapers are not allowed, and the United States of America is changed into a military dictatorship. The new regime moves quickly to consolidate its power, and it overtook all other religious groups.

The regime reorganizes society using a peculiar interpretation of some Old Testament ideas and a new militarized, hierarchical model of social and religious fanaticism among its newly created social classes. The biggest change is the limitation of people's rights, especially those of women, who are not allowed to read, write, or handle money. The novel ends with a metafictional epilogue, which is a partial transcript of an international historical association conference.

The keynote speaker explained that historians studied the events of the novel and found cassette tapes of Offred's account. Professor Pieixoto thinks that one of the two figures who were instrumental in the establishment of Gilead may have been the Commander. He believes that the Commander was Frederick R. Waterford, who was killed in a purge after Offred was taken away.

The novel is set in a future where the United States is no longer a country and the Republic of Gilead is a fundamentalist state. The fertility rates in Gilead have fallen due to environmental toxicity and fertile women are a valuable commodity. Individuals are categorized according to their social functions.

Dress codes play a key role in imposing social control in the new society and help to distinguish people by sex, occupation, and caste. Jews are classified as Sons of Jacob. Jews who refuse to convert are allowed to emigrate from Israel to another country.

The Handmaid's Tale

The novel The Handmaid's Tale is a tale about a group of people who take control of the government in the United States. The series follows the events of the novel, but there are a few changes.

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