What Is Interest U/s 234b?


Author: Albert
Published: 9 May 2022

Interest on Late Tax Payment

If you make incomplete tax payments, interest is imposed. It is levied if the payment of advance tax is delayed. If you fail to pay advance tax, you must pay interest.

If you have paid advance tax, the amount is less than the assessed tax. On March 31, she should have paid at least 85% of the amount. However, she only made a small payment.

On the Lie Algebraic Structure of QCD

Section 234B will apply in any one of the above cases. The interest is calculated on the assessed tax. A full month is rounded off to the next day. The amount on which interest is calculated is rounded off in a way that ignores any fraction of a hundred.

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It's a note. If the assessee chooses Section 44AD or 44ADA for the calculation of income as per presumptive basis, advance tax will be paid with single installments on the due date.

New Tax Route: An Online Platform for Tax Professionals

If the tax due on the returned income is less than 12% or 36%, then the assessee will not have to pay interest. It is not possible to say that it is. The information in this article is only for informational purposes.

It does not mean professional advice or a formal recommendation. The author does not own any responsibility for the loss or damage caused to any person by the actions taken on the basis of the above article. New Tax Route is an online platform that was started with the intention of providing professional updates, information, and amendments on diversified topics to CA, CSA, CMA, Advocate, other Tax Professionals, and Taxpayers.

A Note on Interest Penalties for a Late Income Tax

If you forget to pay your income tax on time, you will have to pay an interest penalty under section 234A, 234B, and 234C, so be aware of the method of calculating it. The tax should have been paid on March 31. The man paid only Rs 7,000. The assessed tax has an interest penalty.

Did you pay taxes on time?

Did you fail to pay taxes on time? You can pay taxes now, but you have to pay interest on the delayed taxes. There are three sections that govern interest on delayed payment of taxes.

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