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The CAT-ASVAB Test: A New Look at the MEPS
The Defense Department has a joint-service organization called the Marine Exploratory and Preservation Service. The physical qualifications, aptitude and moral standards of applicants are determined by the personnel of the MEPS. The CAT-ASVAB is a test that measures aptitude in a broad range of career fields.
Each service has its own unique scores for various career fields. You must provide documentation if you want to have many conditions waived. You will need to bring all your documents with you if you want to be accepted by the MEPS.
The drape or gown will be provided by the MEPS. The doctor's room will be a private one. During your physical, underwear is required.
A female attendant will accompany you when you have to remove clothing. You will be given a test to see if you are pregnant. Before you take the oath of enlistment, you will have to complete a final interview, fingerprints and pre-enlistment briefings.
Your family is welcome to watch you take the oath. There is a waiting room for them. The military officer administering the oath may have your family take pictures of you.
The European Parliament Code of Conduct
The European Parliament is made up of 705 Members who were elected in 27 Member States of the European Union. Direct universal suffrage has been used toelect the European Parliament for a five-year period. Each country has a choice of how it will conduct its election, but must guarantee equality of the sexes and a secret ballot.
EU elections are decided by the voters. Austria has a voting age of 16. The time that the MEPs spend in their constituency, Strasbourg, is more than the time they spend in their hometown of Brussels.
The Code of Conduct defines conflicts of interest and how Members should address them, and it also includes rules on official gifts to Members and professional activities of former Members. Under the conditions laid down in the Implementing Measures to the Code of Conduct, members have to declare gifts they have received when representing Parliament in an official capacity. The register of gifts has such gifts reported.
The Advisory Committee has five members. The President appoints them based on their experience and political balance between the political groups in the Parliament. Each of the five Members is the chairperson for six months.
The President has the power to appoint one reserve member for each political group that is not represented in the Advisory Committee. The European Parliament Members receive allowances that are intended to cover the expenses they incur in their parliamentary duties. The budget set by Parliament allows members of the European Parliament to choose their own assistants.

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