What Is Newsela?


Author: Lisa
Published: 7 Feb 2022

Newsela: An Educational Content Platform for Learning

Newsela is an instructional content platform that brings together engaging, accessible content with integrated assessments and insights to help you learn. Newsela covers topics students care about, that connect to core curriculum, and are aligned to standards. Every article on Newsela is published at 5 levels so that it is easy for students with reading ability to read.

Newsela: Formative Assessments for a College Student

Newsela gathers the data, analyzes it, and changes the reading levels for three types of formative assessments: annotating as they read the text, two-to-three sentence writing prompt, and a 4-question quiz at the end of each article. Once you assign the same articles to each student, they will be able to read them at their own level.

Why students don't read?

Students often don't pay attention to reading at school. Young people are used to interacting with digital content outside of the classroom, but their experiences of reading static textbooks in school rarely measure up. Students can access content from top sources such as the Washington Post, which covers topics they care about.

Online Courses for Teachers

There are online courses that are for teachers. The introduction to Artificial Intelligence program at the University of California, Berkeley, has been put online and over a hundred thousand people have registered.

Adapting the Reading Levels and Language for an Efficient Learning Experience

It is possible to adjust reading levels and language for a great reading experience. Most of the best support features are only available by subscription, so there's lots of great info to help teachers get started.

Newsela: An Online News Platform

Newsela is an online news platform that gives students different reading levels for current event articles. The Common Core State Standards require students to master reading and critical thinking in order to be successful in school. Newsela publishes at least three news articles from top U.S. newspapers every day. There are also news agencies from other countries.

Newsela.com: A database of current events for classroom use

Newsela is a database of current events stories that can be used in the classroom. The stories are accessible in different formats by reading level, and can be found in both news and libraries. The website has a masthead.

The SAMR Model: Technology Integration and the Role of a New Sensor Network

The purpose and advantages of technology integration are examined in the SAMR model. It reminds us to think about how technology can be used to add functions that could not be done without it. Newsela can be used at each stage of the SAMR Model.

Goals and Habit-Changing

To make a new habit fun, set some goals. If you want to stick to your goal, set a goal to read a certain number of books. You can start small with a few books or you can read 100. You could set a goal to read all the books.

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