What Is Nfc Juice?


Author: Albert
Published: 21 Feb 2022

Market Trend and Distribution of the Fruit Juice

The market trend is what led to the rise in the price of the juice. Not From Concentrate is a short version of the same name. It is produced by fruit juice, filling, and sterilization.

The juice preserves more nutrition and flavors than traditional drinks. The price and technology are higher. The room temperature and cold-storage versions of the juice are classified based on production technology.

The latter is more popular. It has a higher requirement on the cold chain and a shorter shelf life. FC juice is from concentrate and the opposite of the NFC juice.

It is made by adding water, sugar, and Preservative to the concentrated juice. FC juice is the most common fruit juice drink in the market because of its long shelf life and low cost. FC juice has a lot of nutrition and flavor loss.

Americans consume over one million gallons of orange juice every month. The consumption of fresh fruit juice is 13 times greater than that of the former. The juice consumption is 100% and the juice takes up a large amount of the total.

Natural apple juice

Kiril Mischeff is a leading supplier of apple juice to cider makers and juice manufacturers in the UK, offering a range of high, medium and low acidity apple varieties. A 100% natural product with the least amount of processing, the apple juice is made by removing the skin and the fruit from the body. The juice is lightly Pasteurized to control the load.

A Nutrition Doctor Explains the New Category of Fruit Juice

The new category of fruit juice is called "NFC juice", which means juice Not From Concentrate, a technology that fills fresh fruit juice under low-temperature conditions. The process is done in a cold chain system which is a great deal of cost. The shelf life of juice is less than 45 days, but it can be preserved as much as possible.

A nutrition doctor tells customers to distinguish between FC juice and NFC juice. If there is no other ingredient except fruit juice, that is what it is. Fruit juice can not be called NFC juice if it appears with other ingredients.

Fruit juices: a new paradigm

There are juices that are not from concentrate juice. The shelf-life of such products is very short. There are a wide range of different types of juices, such as tropical and mandarin, that are made from direct juice, but with minimal heat treatment supported by chilled storage and distribution.

The marketing of organic and fair trade juices that appeal to the consumer with ethical concerns is a fast growing sector of the market. Fresh juice from fruit has not been concentrated. It is more expensive than concentrate, but it is usually judged to be higher quality.

At the moment, the closest match to fresh squeezed juice is the NFC juice. It has a good image of a healthy food product and is accepted by consumers. It commands a growing market share and is competing with FCJ and retail frozen concentrate for home use.

Flexible laminated plastic containers have become popular for aseptic packaging. The product can be stored at ambient temperature and the packaging materials are economical. The juice must be heat-pasteurized, cooled and introduced into the package in a sterile atmosphere in such packaging.

The packaging material is presterilized with hydrogen peroxide or other approved sterilant solution. It is formed into a shape and filled with liquid. Alternative pasteurization methods include irradiation with high-energy electrons or x-rays and high-pressure pasteurization.

The Bertuzzi line is fully cleanable

All of the lines of the Bertuzzi are designed to meet international food grade requirements and to be fully cleanable by exploiting integrated cleaning procedures and systems. The perfect and effeciency CIP of the fruit processing plants is guaranteed by the Bertuzzi CipMatic.

The flavor and shelf life of the flavored juices

FC juice is not as good as fruit juice. Some flavor substance will get lost in the concentration process. High temperature can cause flavor reverting.

Pasteurization is to cool fresh juice quickly. It can prolong the shelf life of fruit juice. They are usually placed in blocks.

The shelf life of FC juice is around a year in cold storage. Storage and transportation costs have increased, so FC juice is more expensive than NFC juice. FC juice or NFC juice can be 100% fruit juice.

FC juice is recovered concentrated juice. The production process of the company makes them more pure than FC. Cold pressed juice is almost 100% juice.

The fruit juice content is between 10% and 90%. The drinks have low value because they contain less than 10% fruit juice. It is acceptable to have a certain amount of food Additives.

Single Strength Orange Juice Processing and Storage

The orange processing plants are close to the fruit growing area. Fruit can degrade quickly at high temperatures in areas that grow oranges, so it's important to process it as soon as possible. Orange products are produced in a way that allows them to be stored for a long time and shipped over long distances.

The fruit reception area is where fruit is delivered in trucks. The leaves and stems of the fruit may be prewashed to remove any pesticide and dirt left on the surface. Then after pregrading, the fruit is removed.

Storage bins have sound fruit. The feed mill takes damaged fruit. The process of squeezing or reaming juice out of oranges involves mechanical pressure.

The fruit is separated into different streams or lanes after washing and inspection. Individual oranges are directed to the best extractor in order to get the best juice yield. The setting of the operating conditions of the extraction operation is very important.

The juice concentrate is blended with other production batches to level out fluctuations in quality. It goes to frozen storage in tanks or drums for a while. The juice can be processed at single strength as an NFC product.

The FDA and USDA regulate the composition of fruit juice

The FDA and USDA are the two agencies that regulate the composition of juices and juice products in the US. Canada has similar regulations. The fruit juice industry is monitored by a combination of directives and recommendations.

The major juice-importing regions have a mixture of voluntary and mandatory standards to control imported food products. Adulteration of fruit juice is common because of the enormous monetary value of the market. Most countries have measures in place to detect and prevent adulteration of orange juice and to check the authenticity of its declared origin and content.

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