What Is Outlook Retention Policy?


Author: Lorena
Published: 2 Nov 2021

Retention Policies in Outlook

The autobiographical policies are not implemented within Office365. Preserving your client's data will not work if you can't choose what settings you see or choose. For more information email, chat, and text retention and archive policies, please see the Administrative Related Record Schedules page.

A retention tag has a definition of a time limit and an action to be taken when the limit is reached. The tags are supposed to be applied to the mailboxes. The retention period is the time after an item arrives or is created before an action is taken.

To see the full details of the retention policy, select it. The details section will show whether the policy is required, how long a message will be held, and where a message will go after the retention period. You can see retention policies in Outlook.

A Per-Folder Basis for Creating Email Retention Policies

It is easier to assign a retention policy on a per-folder basis. You can assign a different policy to only those messages if you select one or multiple. A message policy takes precedence over a folder policy.

Exchange Online Archiving Policies

Exchange Online Archiving has two types of policies. The types can be applied to the same item. A user can tag an email message so that it is moved to the personal archive in a specified number of days and deleted after another period of time.

Retention policies are tags that are applied to a mailbox. A default retention policy is applied when a mailbox is created. The default retention policy in Exchange Online is named Default MRM Policy.

Deleted Items in Office365

If you accidentally or intentionally remove the data items from Office365, they will retain them. Due to the threat of network breeches, mailboxes in the office365 program can be lost easily. Every business organization has to deal with its increasing amounts of data every single day.

When you remove email messages from the Office 365 account, they are moved into the deleted items folder. You can either keep the email messages in the deleted items folder or define that Outlook Web Apps empties the folder whenever you log out. The emails are marked as deleted until you remove them on your own.

Email Data Retention Policy

A user can change and work with the content if it is subject to a retention policy. The content is being retained in the original location. If a user edits or deletions the content, it is subject to the policy.

A copy of the content is saved to a secure location where the data is kept. The email data items have a default retention period of two years. Emails that are more than two years will be deleted.

Using Retention Labels to Monitor the Use of Microsoft Office 365 Group Location Data

Retention settings assigned to content keep it in its original location. People work with their mail as if nothing has changed. A copy of the content is retained if they edit or remove it.

When the content was last modified, you can choose when the content was created or supported only for files and the Microsoft 365 Groups locations. The retention settings are specified in the policy. If they are moved outside of that container, a copy of that item is kept in the workload's secured location.

Retention settings don't travel with the content in its new location. Retention labels are better than retention policies. The existing label will not be automatically removed or replaced by another label if the existing label is applied as a default label.

There are some scenarios when a default label can be replaced by another one. To see how your retention labels are being used in your tenant, you can use the Data classification and Overview page from the Microsoft 365 compliance center. Important prerequisites can be found in Learn about data classification.

The membership is dynamic by running daily against the attributes or properties that you specify for the selected locations. Multiple adaptive scopes can be used with a single policy. There is no limit on the number of items.

Adaptive Scopes for Microsoft Teams

If you chose adaptive, you can add or create an adaptive scope by selecting one or more from the list. Pick one or more locations. The scope types added affect the locations that you can choose.

If you only added a scope type of User, you will be able to select teams chats but not channels messages. You can create a retention policy that just keeps the content, or you can just remove it after a certain period of time. For more information about deletion and retention, see the settings.

For technical details about how retention works for Teams, including what elements of messages are supported for retention and timing information, see Learn about retention for Microsoft Teams. Private and community messages are not the only things that are included on Yammer. To retain and remove email messages from your Yammer network, you should use the Microsoft 365 Groups location.

Using Personal Tags to Pick Up Folder Retention

All items in the folder that has a folder retention tag for it will pick that tag up. If a personal tag is assigned to a folder or item, all the items in the mailbox will pick up the default retention tag.

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