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WallStreechBets: Why betting against GameStop is sacrilege?
The WallStreetBets folks think that betting against GameStop is sacrilege. It feels like someone is betting against them. It feels like it's evil.
Hedge Funds Against The Giant Titanic Events
They don't have logic. They've been successful because of their "stick it to the man" attitude and sense of invincibility, and have been able to call the bluff of some of the world's most powerful hedge funds. They are likely to continue creating havoc for as long as theStimulus merry-go-round continues, threatening the bankers and financiers who escaped the 2008 financial crisis not just intact, but enriched.
Millions of bored Americans and a few Australians have discovered that the odds of finding a stock to buy are better than the odds of finding a table or track. Why is a struggling video game chain grabbing global financial headlines, and what is the reason for it? Paul Donoughue and David Chau explain why it is.
Hedge funds try to perform well even if financial markets are going up or down, just as you hedge your bets at the track. Here's how it works. You hope to sell at a higher price than your purchase price if you sell before you buy.
The timing is reversed. They have to borrow or rent the shares from an insurance company or investment fund. A trader on the internet forum, known as DeepF**ingValue, decided to take on the titans.
The Silver Market
The long-term fundamentals for silver are very good. The price of silver must go much higher in the long-term if it is to surge in the short-term. The silver market is very toxic. Alasdair Macleod has pointed out that bullion banks are 100 million ounces short on Comex and have no liquidity in London.
The Meme Stocks: Are They Really Behaving Like Wall Street Pros?
The crew at the website is looking for companies that are not as well known as Wall Street pros think they are. The so-called apes, a term that many investors on the internet use to describe themselves, are playing the long game, and investors who bet against the meme stocks need to realize that. They are not necessarily looking to always make a quick buck.
How to Avoid a Big Loss: A Case Study of Robinhood
The investors, who use online broker apps such as Robinhood and discuss stocks and tips on sites such as Reddit, are targeting stocks that have been heavily shorted by hedge funds that stand to lose billions unless their share prices fall dramatically.
The Community Network
The core content of the network of communities is posts from its users. Users can comment on other people's posts. Users can cast positive or negative votes for each post on the site, and the site also has called upvotes and downvotes.

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