What Is Reddit Rebellion?


Author: Richelle
Published: 5 Apr 2022

Boockvar's Theorem

Boockvar said that the money lost in retail could be the same or greater than the money lost in hedge funds.

The role of the scalar field in shaping nuclear reactions

Mods are willing to put up with a lot of poor treatment in exchange for their position, and Ohanian seems to have been surprised that they finally reached a breaking point after years of contempt directed at them. The tensions remain high even though the event may have ended. The mod of AskReddit put a timer on the site saying that if the company doesn't give them two sets of better tools by the end of the year, they will shut down the site.

Shirt Loss: A New Tool for Stock Market Profit

Small stock market investors who lose their shirts due to lack of information and trading costs are now able to compete for stock market profits. The big companies and their political allies don't like this.

Groupthink and Invulnerability

Groupthink can have symptoms such as the illusion of invulnerability. "Inherent to groupthink is the feeling of immunity," says the article. The fantasy of the entire group coming out unscathed and victorious is a fantasy. Alexander E. Kearns, a student at the University of Nebraska, took his own life in June 2020 after seeing a $730,000 negative balance on the app.

The short mafia and biotechs

The short mafia is very fond of thebiotechs because they fail at a high rate. If they bet it goes down, there is a good chance they are right. The pressure to raise money almost always lags the rate of development as pharma companies are in constant need of capital.

Reddit: A Discussion Board for General Public Interests

If you are looking for news, debate, answers or just fun about anything you can image, you should go to the discussion board on the internet called the Reddit. The forums on the site are mostly for registered users to talk about anything from news to pop culture, to technology, to comics, to film, to literature, to the weird things in the world. There is a search field at the top of the page.

You will find it if you enter any topic you want. You need to register and use the topic in your settings if you are looking for a topic. They can comment on other people's submissions by clicking on the open comment field.

You can reply to people's comments by clicking reply. The default tab is "Hot", which is a view of submissions with the highest scores over a period of time, if you are not registered. The score is determined by subtracting the votes from the others.

Reddiquette says that you should be a civilized person and remember that there is always a human at the other side of the screen. No self-promotion or spam is allowed. You will be fine if you just be respectful of others and be aware of what you do.

You lose points on your global karma if someone votes negatively to one of your posts. You shouldn't worry about that. The purpose of the site is not to accumulate karma points but to learn, have fun, waste time or add to the conversation in a funny way.

How to Keep the CEO Happy

Without a happy community, there is no product to sell, so the CEO has to keep the community happy to prevent them from leaving the same way they left.

SEC Regulation Superho

The SEC enforcement staff has begun gathering all of the relevant online posts, and putting them into an e-discovery database for searching, preserving, organizing, etc. The SEC staff is likely to be looking over the data, searching for indications of wrongdoing, and looking for any subscriber information that the SEC has the authority to request. The conduct on the website is not the kind of manipulation that the SEC usually charges, in that there is no allegation of fraud or deception by any users.

The allegations are not true, as the users of the site have been very transparent about their objectives. One possibility is that the users of the Reddit newsletters are also investment professionals or stock pickers. Those individuals who have a special relationship with their customers and clients must meet a higher fiduciary standard.

There is no intent to artificially distort the market for a security if a short squeeze is not illegal. It is not only a frenzy of traders commenting and buying shares that can cause a short squeeze. A short squeeze can be triggered by company news.

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