What Is Timber Cruise?


Author: Albert
Published: 6 Apr 2022

A timber cruise to determine the current volume and market value of merchantable lumber

A timber cruise is a cheap way to determine the current volume of merchantable timber on your property and its market value. A timber cruise is done in conjunction with a forest management plan as baseline data for short- and long-term forest planning.

Cruises with variable plot methods

Variable plots, fixed area plots, and rectangle plots are the most common methods used to complete a cruise.

The mountain beaver: forestry appraisal

A full timber appraisal costs more and is more involved. The Oregon Appraiser Certification and Licensing Board must certify the appraiser. The highest and best use are what determines market value.

Multiple approaches for value determination are required, and other factors like encumbrances are taken into account. The appraisals are done on the land. It is important to choose a logging contractor.

How do you choose the right person for your project? Some of the decision making is tailored to you. The mountain beaver is a medium-sized mammal.

Mountain beavers damage forest regeneration by girdling and clipping trees. There are methods to control. The success of the project is dependent on the selection of appropriate plant materials.

The National Cruise System

The National Cruise System is a set of software tools that are used by timber cruisers to design a timber cruise, collect timber cruise data, and produce statistically defensible volume estimates for timber sale contracts.

Forest Management

The unit for measuring wood volume is called a board foot. A board foot is 1 foot by 1 foot by 1 inch, but any shape containing more than 100 square inches of wood is a board foot. A codominant tree has a crown that extends into the canopy and receives sunlight from above but not as much as the sides.

The crowns of the dominant trees are crowded by one or more sides of a codominant tree. An independent professional who manages forests and markets forest products for private woodland owners is called consulting forester. woodland owners retain consulting foresters as their agents, even though they don't have direct connections with firms that buy wood products.

A cord is equal to a stack of 4 x 4 by 8 feet or 128 square feet. A cord is the legal measure of fuelwood volume. Even-aged stand is a stand in which the age difference between the oldest and youngest trees is minimal.

Even-aged stands are perpetuated by cutting all the trees in a short period of time. frilling is the method of killing trees by cutting around the bole and applying an herbicide to the wounds. Frilling or girdling can be used to reduce the density of a stand.

To remove mature, good quality trees from a stand leave inferior species and individuals. Even-aged management in which mature and immature trees are removed to aid regeneration should be distinguished from high graded management. Pruning is the act of cutting branches from a tree.

A Guide for Timber Cruise Management

The timber cruise volume information is summarized in a management plan, but it goes into more detail on the other considerations. The report is used by NIPF companies who are interested in long term management of the timber resource on their property. The report clearly shows the goals of the client.

The primary objective is to realize periodic income from the property through the use of silvicultural prescriptions designed to maintain or improve overall forest health. Many clients will consider other amenities from the forest, such as wildlife habitat, as an important part of the management plan. The application forms for timber sale can be difficult to complete, so Williamson consulting can help you navigate through the process.

Depending on the complexity of your project, it may be necessary to submit several permit applications to various state agencies. There are permits that may be required in Washington State. In Idaho, a notice of forest practices is required.

The job of marketing logs is more complicated than ever. The days of sending all of your logs to a single mill are over. More and mor mills tend to specialize in specific classes.

Form 1040, U.S

Capital expenditures include the purchase, planting, or seeding of timber. Capital costs are the amount of money spent to acquire real property or equipment or to make improvements that increase the value of real property that is already owned. Capital costs include the basis in land, timber and improvements and can be recovered via tax credit or an amortization.

The total cost of acquisition is the basis for purchase. Purchase is the first entry to be placed in the capital land account and will include all associated costs. The total establishment costs of afforestation or reforestation will be the timber basis if bare land is acquired.

The basis valuation should only include timber with a fair market value on the date of acquisition. If the timber was acquired before the timber basis allocation was made, the present timber volume must be reduced by the amount of growth that occurred. The adjusted basis the loss on timber.

Since a casualty loss cannot exceed the basis in the timber, owners with no basis or a low basis have little or no casualty loss to deduct. Capital gains and deductible capital losses are reported on Form 1040, Schedule D, Capital Gains and Losses, and then transferred to line 13 of Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Capital gains and losses are classified according to their length.

Capital gain or loss is long-term if you hold the asset for more than a year. If you hold the asset for a short time, you will lose or gain. The holding period is calculated by counting the day after you received the property and the day you dispose of the property.

Ring growth of trees

The capacity of certain stands of trees to increase ring growth is called BA. The factors of ring growth are influenced by a variety of factors, but have a genetic component. As stands of trees grow, the upper limit of the forest to grow wood fiber increases, as BA increases.

The ability to grow a forest tree species accumulated over the tree age can be determined by measuring the area. Growth curves show the slowing in growth of the species according to yield charts. Remaining trees are able to maximize growth toward a final, mature, valuable forest product when the BA is reduced.

The Merchantable Value of a Product

Buyers should be hesitant about purchasing if the merchantable value is in the 20 to 40 percent range. The buyer can sell an asset that is not useful. Merchantable timber value plus the sale of one or more severable assets can be considered to be 60 percent or more of the asking price.

Prices of Timber

The prices shown are based on stumpage prices. The prices are based on an average of the prices of timber buyers across the U.S. Actual prices may be different.

The market effect on timber prices is universal, and states are very similar to regions. The same factors that determine regional prices are also used to influence markets in different states. The market operates in a similar way as the geography, measuring system and products do.

The previous FAQ about price by region has more information. Your trees are worth what someone is willing to pay and also depend on market conditions. Landowners can get help with timber pros, education and market conditions by using Timber Update.

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