What Is Timber Defect?


Author: Albert
Published: 12 May 2022

Defects in Timber

The word timber means wood which is derived from a tree. The word is used to describe the structural components of wood that are suitable for various formative purposes. The timber is used in North America.

There are a wide range of building materials available. One of them is wood. Wood is widely used because of its many benefits, such as ease of working, attractive appearance, reasonable cost, non-toxic, and recyclable nature, and it offers long service life if it is protected from insects properly.

Different types of defects are found in timber. A defect is an abnormality that occurs inside or on the surface of the wood or timber which can affect its strength, appearance, and other properties. The timber is quickly decayd by the beetles.

They form holes of size about 2mm in wood and attack the wood's wood quality. The wood gets converted into a fine flour-like powder by the beetles and they form tunnels in all directions. They usually don't disturb the outer layer of the timber.

The timber piece may look sound like it is being attacked by beetles. The marine borers are found in salty water. Most of the varieties of marine borers don't eat wood but they make holes in it for shelter.

Natural Products have Flaws

Every natural product has some flaws. There is no exclusion of timber from that. Weakness or other difficulties can be caused by most of the defects in timber. For example, twisted wood is good for making a bowl out of timber, because of the defects that can beneficial.

The origin of the growth and evolution in a tree

The main cause of their development in a tree is the temperature difference in different seasons, such as excessive heat during summer and cold in the winter. Their origin is usually due to a simple cause. The upper side of the log of wood will lose more water than the under side if it is exposed to the atmosphere only one side.

Hearts in Sawn Timber

A term used when the heart is enclosed within a piece of sawn timber. The heart is well centered at both ends and is enclosed within the four surfaces of the piece of sawn or hewn timber. The fibers are broken across the grain by compression.

Various causes are suggested, such as felling across obstructions and failure inside the tree caused by high winds. It's also known as transverse shakes, upset shakes, and cross breaks. They are difficult to detect until the timber is dressed.

Defects on Timber

A Defect is any irregularity on the timber which may affect its strength, utility value, or appearance. Defects may be natural, or artificial, and may be a result of poor conversion, seasoning or handling after felling.

The Carried out of the Heart Wood

The wood is used for building and other engineering purposes. It is obtained from the trunk of a tree. Different kinds of timber can be used for different things.

The area is between the heart wood and cambium. The wood has cells and takes active pan in the tree. It is usually light in color and weight.

A solution of salts with low pressure. The vapour pressure will be reduced if the outer layers of timber are treated with such chemicals. Under controlled conditions of circulating air, relative humidity and temperature, it was Carried out.

The degree of moisture content was desired. The time required for seasoning is 20 days. The timbers are placed in the water.

The water takes away the wood. After a week the bamboo poles are dried out under shade. The elasticity of timber is lost as it is losing wood completely.

Bows and knot

A bow is a curve on the face of a board, typically extending from one end to the other. The ends of the board would not touch the ground if it was sitting flat. A knot is a defect in wood.

Cupping a board

Cupping occurs when the board bends across the face of the board and the ends of the boards look like the letter "U". It is common in boards that are close to the pith. Cupped boards can be ripped into smaller boards. It can crack if you try to force it flat.

The effect of drying on the interior cracks in timber

They are wider on the outside ends and narrower on the inside ends. They are usually formed due to extreme heat or severe frost. There is a fig.

The star shakes. The interior portion of timber develops radial and circular cracks due to stresses developed during drying. The timber assumes the honey-comb texture and the defect that develops is known as the honey-combing.

The deterioration of the timber in an old subfloor

The floor joist is sagging and this causes the exposed gaps in the walls. The gaps can happen because of ground shift. There is insufficient air flow in the subfloors.

The strains and deterioration of timber can be identified by the high humidity and moist conditions. The solution is to improve the air quality. The timber is strong and durable but needs to be protected from decay.

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