What Is Translation Studies?

The Internationalization of Culture
The concept of cultural translation is largely based on the book The Location of Culture by Salman Rushdie. Cultural translation is a concept used in cultural studies to describe the process of transformation in a culture. The concept uses linguistic translation as a metaphor to analyze the nature of transformation and interchange in cultures.
Post-colonial studies look at translations between a metropolis and former colonies. They question the idea that translation occurs between cultures. Internationalization is the process of stripping the start product of its culture specific features in order to make it multilingual.
Translation Studies
The field of study that deals with translation is called Translation Studies. It can be described as an interdiscipline which touches on other fields of knowledge, including comparative literature, cultural studies, gender studies, computer science, history, linguistics, philosophy, rhetoric, and semiotics, because it examines translation not only as interlingual transfer but also as intercultural communication. The two fields are not related, but they are often combined.
Students are prepared for various careers. Some graduates start their own business as a translator. Others become project managers for translation companies.
The Cultural Evolution of Translation
People may understand translation differently. Translation is seen as an activity by the people who are not translators, but as a text by the people who are. The ability to reproduce styles in the message was the older concentration in translation.
The new focus has shifted to the response of the receptor. The response must be compared with the way in which the original receptors reacted to the message when it was written in its original form. The translator needs to make sure that the average person is not going to misunderstand the message.
There has been a change in translation studies, from linguistically oriented to culturally oriented. Linguists in Germany show their concern with the way translation is viewed as a cultural process. Linguists argue that language is seen as being roots in culture in a way that the meaning of any linguistic entry can only be understood with reference to the cultural context.
translation cannot be fully understood without reference to cultural aspects The producer uses advertising to create a brand image for his product. The brand image of a company such as a logo differentiates manufactured goods from other similar products that are advertised by other companies.
The advertisers can be a private person, a small business, a major producer, retailers or service providers. They can advertise at any level. In the past few years, the advertising of any type of service has become more and more popular, even supermarket chains are now their own label brands.
A Language-Independent Approach to Text Composition
The meaning of a text in a source language is communicated in an equivalent target language. The appearance of written literature preceded translation, and there are partial translations of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh into Southwest Asian languages. The source-language idiom and usage are always at risk of spill-over.
translation is a complex process It requires more than just a knowledge of two languages. It also requires a good knowledge of a number of other fields.
Any study that is theoretical can become meaningless in real life. It can make sense to people who might need translation if it is properly explained. Sociologies of translation or postcolonial translation studies might not be useful for non-academics.

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