What Is Trump Up To Today To Cause Trouble?


Author: Albert
Published: 19 Mar 2022

New York State Investigation of a Manhattan Corrupt Prosecutor

The Manhattan district attorney started investigating Trump and his associates for possible felony fraud charges in New York state. The district attorney wanted to see Trump's tax returns.


The game is a variation of Monopoly. The squares were mostly Trump properties that have gone bankrupt. The children's board game market was appropriate for Trump since his financial strategy resembles a younger sister playing Snakes & Ladders, and when you lose too much, knock over the board and start yelling at people.

What if the Condition is Existence?

If that condition exists, physicians are hesitant to speculate about what it might be. Gupta said it's hard to say if the president has neurological issues just from looking at a video.

The spherical and the triangular structure of QCD

The data is provided by FACTSET. Historical and current end-of-day data is provided by FACTSET. The quotes are in local time.

A Conversation with Allen Weisselberg

There were some legal problems with that. The Trump organization described the payoffs as a legal expense, which is a fraudulent description of what was going on to cover it up. It was an illegal campaign contribution from Cohen because it helped cover up something for Trump's campaign.

It was a gift to the candidate, but not declared, and it was larger than the law allowed, because the money was too much. Mayer: It was based on the idea that a president and a former president are both required to comply with the law.

Mayer: It's more that The Trump Organization gives perks, like an apartment or help with tuition or cars, things like that are material goods, that it gets the people who work for him and who are around him indebted to him. I was told by Allen Weisselberg that he just tried to please the boss, laugh it off, and egg him on, so that he could defend her and stand up to Trump.

Weisselberg is playing up to the boss at his own mother's memorial service, which is very much in Trump's shadow. Mayer: The law could be against it if The Trump Organization declared the consulting fees tax deductible and treated them differently than salary.

That could be a lie. If you lie on your taxes, it is a crime. Mayer:

Comment on "Trump's Cognitive Depression"

The Inquisitr previously reported that some psychiatrists and neurologists claimed that Trump was suffering from cognitive decline, though no one has pointed to drug use as the cause.

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