What Is Usps Barcode?

USPS Approval of Intelligent Mail Container Labels
The USPS developed an Intelligent Mail barcode that can be used to read mail that is not in a readable ZIP Code. Mail barcodes can also be used to track other information. The preferred width of narrow bars and spaces is between 0.015 inch and 0.017 inch.
The narrow bars or spaces must be no larger than 0.021 inch. All bars must be at least 0.75 inches high. The USPS approved method for Intelligent Mail tray labels is to include information trays and sacks.
The Intelligent Mail tray labels are designed for optimum use with Intelligent Mail barcoded mail and have the capacity to provide unique identification throughout postal processing, but are required for use on all trays and sacks in presorted mailings. The barcode can be used to identify the tray and sack. The acceptance location of the Mailer ID cannot be duplicated within a 45 day period.
Mailers that print Intelligent Mail container labels are responsible for the inspection and testing of the labels prior to submission to the USPS and for maintaining the overall quality of the labels they produce. Inspection and testing of Intelligent Mail container labels should be done periodically. Mailers are encouraged to work with their local mailpiece design analyst to make sure their labels are accurate.
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A barcode is a series of long and short bars that represent ZIP codes. The barcode is read by automated equipment to process and sort mail. The barcode tells us where to deliver your mail.
IDAutomation Barcode Fonts
PostNET barcodes can be printed as a 5-digit POSTNET barcode, ZIP+4 POSTNET barcode or a Delivery Point Barcode, which is also referred to as theDPBC. Contact the local post office if you are unsure of which method to use. The OneCode solution is also known as the Intelligent Mail Customer barcode.
The same is true for each. The Intelligent Mail Customer Barcode is the same barcode that OneCode will create. IDAutomation provides several fonts tools, macros and source code samples that are free to use with IDAutomation barcode fonts, and will format the data to the fonts.
Automated Mail: A Presort House Approach
The barcode is applied by the sender, and the Postal Service required it to qualify for automation prices. Increased efficiency is provided by using the barcode, as well as new services. The United States Postal Service assigns a number to a specific business.
Mailer IDs with a larger range of associated sequence numbers are available for higher volume mailers. All six-digit IDs start with a digit between 0 and 8 and all nine-digit IDs start with the digit 9. Many organizations may not be able to place Intelligent Mail barcodes.
There may not be enough resources to make the production modifications or the transaction print data stream may arrive already composed, without the ability to change the composition process. The organization may want to place the code in the electronic document before it is printed, rather than later in the production process. Third-party presort houses can be used to comply with Intelligent Mail mandates and also provide mailers with the benefits of commingled mail.

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