What Is Weather Manipulation?


Author: Richelle
Published: 10 May 2022

Weather Manipulation

Farmers have been wishing for weather manipulation to control the rain. Cloud seeding is a method of modifying weather by shooting silver iodide or other chemicals into the clouds. A silver bullet can make it rain.

Other weather manipulation techniques include blowing storms away from land with windmills, cooling the ocean with cryogenic material or ice, delaying surface evaporation with monomolecular films, blowing a Hurricane apart with hydrogen bombs or laser beams, and injecting air into the center of a storm. Cloud seeding is the most cost-effective way to change the weather. Weather manipulation has so much potential to work for the greater good, that it is worth exploring.

The US Air Force Heating and Aiming System

The US Air Force used controlled lightning strikes to attack its targets. The Tofflers suggested that lasers could be used to cut holes in the ozone layer above the land of an adversary. The most sophisticated technology is available at the HAARP facility, which is located in Gakona Alaska.

It was in two Discovery Channel programs, one in 2005 entitled, Owning the Weather for its alleged weather control capabilities, and the other in 2009, a History Channel documentary called Weather Warfare. It works by heating the ionosphere, which is an active, charged part of the upper atmosphere that exists from 40 to 500 miles above the earth, and which acts as a shield against the bombardment of high-energy particles from space. The IRI's energy is combined with a single focused beam to heat and lift the ionosphere.

The beam can make invisible ionospheric mirrors which can be used to transfer energy over distances. The US Air Force says that AIMs can allow the delivery of radiation at any Frequency up to 2 GHz. They would function a specific Frequency and allow the transmission of Radiation through the ionosphere.

HAARP is capable of over-the-horizon communication by creating virtual mirrors in the ionosphere. HAARP is a multi-purpose tool. It exists to find underground structures, to find natural resources, to address national security issues, to communicate with submerged submarines, and to explore new options for strategic communications.

According to E Magazine, Pravda, and other sources, HAARP is capable of causing floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and lighting the skies with immense power. Military analysts are not talking about it. Environmentalists are focused on greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol, while meteorology is not investigating the matter.

Cloud Seeding and the Imperium

Cloud seeding is a technique used to increase precipitation. Cloud seeding involves spraying small particles, such as silver iodide, onto clouds to try to affect their development, usually with the goal of increasing precipitation. Cloud seeding only works if there is water in the air.

Critics contend that claimed successes occur in conditions that are going to lead to rain. It is used in a number of countries, including the United States, China, India, and Russia. Climate engineering and weather modification are themes in conspiracy theories.

The CHEMtrail conspiracy theory says jet contrails are altered to modify weather. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is an attempt to implicate scientific infrastructure. The technology used to keep the weather in the Arrakis planets quiet is used to hide the Imperium's true population and their plans to terraform the planet, and in Chapterhouse, where the technology is used to keep the weather in the Arrakis planets quiet.

Climate Change and the Caribbean

The methods of modifying the weather have become more sophisticated at the expense of multimillion-dollar investments that are viewed with some skepticism by scientists. The Caribbean has been devastated by hurricanes and tropical storms. The Middle East and Central Asia are affected by the dry spell.

The last decade has seen the biggest invasion of the insects in West Africa. Climate management will be a challenge for society. The risks of not understanding climate intervention are higher than the risks associated with doing so, so they recommend more studies on the issue.

The process of manipulating the weather is more popular than expected. The data shows that weather modification programs are in use in over 50 countries. The World Meteorological Organization organized a team meeting of experts on weather modification. The reasons for weather modification vary depending on where the operation is happening.

Weather Manipulation Warfare: The Rise of Democracy

Weather control, creation of a storm, flood, and the like were not new in ancient religions. The weather control sciences are being improved by scientists and technologists. It is shaping up to be the most vibrant area of research and development.

There are indications that the solar radiations and flares are responsible for planetary weather changes. The collapse of thousands and thousands of stars in a small space causes a bombardment of Cosmic rays on the Sun from a distant black hole. The ionosphere is a filter for the solar radiations to reach the earth.

If one can control the filter, it could be a source of weather modification. That is what the models found. Weather control could be achieved by controlling the ionosphere.

The magic can be created in a massive scale by the variation of the ionosphere. Weather warfare is taking a new level of sophistication. The space is being used to manipulate the weather.

The war games are marked by measures and counter measures. Artificial manipulation of the ionosphere can cause big storms. The seed can only be created by the mare using ionosphere.

Weather Modification in Oklahoma

Weather modification is now possible. The weather has been altered since the late 1940s. The US Navy, Army, and Air Force dropped about 80 pounds of dry ice into the clouds in 1947 to modify a Hurricane.

The United States is modifying the weather. The Wall Street Journal reported in 1997 that the Malaysian government would be signing an agreement with Russia to use technology to create a cyclone to deal with excess fog. The Oklahoma Weather Modification Program conducts cloud seeding operations in Oklahoma to improve the development of rain showers and thunderstorms.

China spends about 40 million dollars a year on a weather management program, according to a report by Business Week in October of 2005. A Russian company called Elate Intelligent Technologies Incorporated has been offering a weather modification service for at least 1992. The unit has a power supply that provides current to a series of antennas that focus the charge into the air.

The unit can be connected to a computer and can change the weather over a 200 mile distance. The creation of fog is possible now. Synthetic fog made from glycols and glycerin is a non lethal weapon.

Cloud Seeding: A Challenge for Scalable Systems

Cloud seeding results are still fairly unpredictable despite decades of studies, trials and implementations. Various cloud seeding methods have been researched and developed by atmospheric scientists for decades, and have been adopted and used by the U.S. military and entrepreneurs alike. Scientists worldwide have embraced the cloud seeding model as a way to develop other weather control technology.

The NEXRAD System: A Weather Radar System for Monitoring the Atmospheric Temperature

They can change the main wave's frequencies to the microwave range and increase the transmission power to reach and heat up the atmosphere above the target. The same microwave signal can be sent from antenna to a target in the range of hundreds of million of volts, which is the same as cooking up the sky. It is more than enough to initiate a weather change if the atmospheric temperature increases by just 1 Celsius.

Gas pressure is proportional to its temperature, so bear in mind that. If one heats up at least three locations in the atmosphere, the common center region will have a lower pressure than the heated points, which will make it the eye of the storm. The cooler gases are heavier than the other forces and can only be resolved through a downward spiral rotation.

The process could take days to develop if the amount of energy used is high. The same frequencies were used to initiate a 7.6 earthquake in Japan. The cover for the detonation of a suitcase nuke 4 kilometers into the sea from the Fukushima Nuclear Plants was only implemented to provide a cover for the 30 meter wave that the world would witness.

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