What Is Weather Modification?

- Cloud Seeding and the Imperium
- Comment on "The Importance of Ion Emission in Water Supply and Health Risk Assessment"
- Cloud Seeding in the United States
- Hygroscopic Seeding of Convective Clouds
- Seeding Clouds
- Weather Manipulation
- Weather disruption in India: a weapon for the regime?
- Why Cloud Seeding Matters
- ELF radiation and the cattle
- Satellite and Radar Detection of Clouds
Cloud Seeding and the Imperium
Cloud seeding is a technique used to increase precipitation. Cloud seeding involves spraying small particles, such as silver iodide, onto clouds to try to affect their development, usually with the goal of increasing precipitation. Cloud seeding only works if there is water in the air.
Critics contend that claimed successes occur in conditions that are going to lead to rain. It is used in a number of countries, including the United States, China, India, and Russia. Climate engineering and weather modification are themes in conspiracy theories.
The CHEMtrail conspiracy theory says jet contrails are altered to modify weather. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is an attempt to implicate scientific infrastructure. The technology used to keep the weather in the Arrakis planets quiet is used to hide the Imperium's true population and their plans to terraform the planet, and in Chapterhouse, where the technology is used to keep the weather in the Arrakis planets quiet.
Comment on "The Importance of Ion Emission in Water Supply and Health Risk Assessment"
The emission of ion emission should not be confused with the emission of waves that are suspected of posing health risks. The question of whether or not the technology is friendly to the environment needs to be looked at. It is unlikely that the emitted ion will cause any harm to plants, animals, or commercial applications.
Health risks can be excluded. Nitrogen oxides and ozone can be created by corona discharge. Section 4.40 of the book states that weather-modification technologies alone cannot solve the water-supply problems on the Earth.
Integration into the general policy of regional water management is important for the ionized technology since it affects large areas. A researcher who is asked for postcatastrophe policy advice on disaster diplomacy ends up in an ethical dilemma. Being honest would require describing how and why disaster diplomacy fails in creating peace, but might have more subtle successes in catalyzing peace, as was seen in Aceh.
Cloud Seeding in the United States
Most weather modification programs in the US have dealt with precipitation. Evidence shows that ice nuclei seeding can increase precipitation by up to tens of percent, even though there is still debate about the effectiveness of cloud seeding. In other circumstances seeding has no effect.
American scientists used ice nuclei to seed hurricanes. Some scientists think it is possible to reduce the intensity of hurricanes. More research is needed before we can say that hurricanes can beneficially modified.
There are no programs in the world trying to seed hurricanes. Attempts to modify mid-latitude cyclones have not been successful. The clouds may last for some time without rain or snow, because the droplets are limited in size to a few tens of micrometres.
Hygroscopic Seeding of Convective Clouds
The effects of pollution the weather can range from the global-scale effects of warming produced by greenhouse gases to the local effects on rain or snow. Cloud-seeding studies must be verified statistically through a randomized experiment. When conditions are suitable for seeding, the experiments need a lot of days.
The project's validity is ensured by the random choice of days on which to seed or not. The report noted progress in some areas. Research shows that cloud seeding can be effective in the mountainous regions where upslope winds often cause clouds to be inefficient in producing snow.
The hygroscopic seeding of summer convective clouds shows promise. Weather modification may not be used in times of serious dry weather. There are no clouds when the skies are clear.
Seeding Clouds
The U.S., United Arab Emirates, China, and other countries around the globe often seed clouds to supplement their precipitation needs, but they've largely done so in good faith. Scientists are still figuring out how to distinguish seeding-caused precipitation from rain and snow in the same storm.
Weather Manipulation
Farmers have been wishing for weather manipulation to control the rain. Cloud seeding is a method of modifying weather by shooting silver iodide or other chemicals into the clouds. A silver bullet can make it rain.
Other weather manipulation techniques include blowing storms away from land with windmills, cooling the ocean with cryogenic material or ice, delaying surface evaporation with monomolecular films, blowing a Hurricane apart with hydrogen bombs or laser beams, and injecting air into the center of a storm. Cloud seeding is the most cost-effective way to change the weather. Weather manipulation has so much potential to work for the greater good, that it is worth exploring.
Weather disruption in India: a weapon for the regime?
Indian websites have speculated that China is disrupting the weather and may be weaponising it. There is no credible evidence that China is trying to change the weather for strategic reasons. In China, weather modification is institutionalised and widely deployed, and current narratives around the legitimacy to intervene in the local climate may provide a rationale for interventions such as solar radiation management.
Why Cloud Seeding Matters
There are many reasons to use cloud seeding. Ski resorts use it to get more snow. More snow means more water in the spring. More water for electricity is a result of more runoff.
ELF radiation and the cattle
The Chinese navy is pouring resources into the more advanced ELF radio technology, which allows it to communicate with the command centre from a deeper depth, and is harder to disrupt. Some biologists say that animals can use low frequencies to detect threats and changes in surrounding environments, which is important for survival in nature, and that ELF radiation could also have an effect on cattle.
Satellite and Radar Detection of Clouds
Satellite and radar technology is used in the study of clouds and storms, just like the cloud seeding experiments conducted in South Africa.

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